Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The busy-ness of Spring

It's been a few weeks of crazy around here. But here is a glimpse of our days. Some things that we have been up to:

We created the sets for the Turning Pointe Dance Studio production of The Firebird.

Tessa discovered that she likes a lot more foods. And she likes to climb through tunnels too.

Lucy learned to ride her bike. By herself. Without training wheels.

A new Pinkletink Baby exclusive design was released after a very long wait. Which means I am shipping out baby carriers all over the world and work is seeming never ending.

The chickens are laying lots. Some of them are also molting and look idiotic.
We are eating a lot of quiche and poached eggs and scrambled eggs. Not all together.

The peas are growing taller every day. The broccoli I started in the little greenhouse is up. And the basil. And the lettuce. Summer veg is just around the corner.